Apology RE: *Why* is Lee a troll?

From: nanowave (nanowave@shaw.ca)
Date: Fri Sep 20 2002 - 15:41:55 MDT

Eugen Leitl wrote to me in private, but since the error he succinctly points
out regards Amara, I will make my apology part of the record.

I wrote:
>>Amera wrote:

Eugen wrote:
>Her name is Amara.

My sincere apologies to Amara for the typo, and to you(s) if same has caused
any confusion as to which list member I was quoting.

>Who are you, again, and why should we care?

Well, you(s) seem to be an observant sort of fellow(s?) when it comes to
personal pronouns, so "I" will assume that you found my signature, Russell
Evermore, to be somehow insufficient. Thus, without knowing specifically
what you(s) are after here, I'll simply throw out some other labels in a
shotgun attempt to satisfy.

I am a evolutionary/morphological entity currently residing in human form. I
resonate with the Extropian principles, so I suppose that makes me an
extropian and a transhumanist. I don't think the term "I" is particularly
accurate when referencing any being that doesn't happen to be standing
still, but I will concede that it may have to do for now. As to the second
part of your question, I don't recall asking you(s) to *care* about
*anything* whatsoever.

Note: If you(s) would prefer that I avoid the use of such kludgy pronouns,
then kindly specify whether you(s) use the term "we" in a Minskyian -
society of mind sense, a mental illness schizophrenic sense, or as an
elected spokesperson(s) for various other apparently mute list members. If
the latter is the case, then kindly specify exactly which members you are
speaking for.

Russell Evermore

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