Re: Physics and Interpretations

From: Damien Broderick (
Date: Thu Sep 19 2002 - 21:09:46 MDT

At 07:48 PM 9/19/02 -0700, "Ross A. Finlayson" wrote:

>Now, being
>random, over the 3600 seconds in the hour from 12:00 to 1:00, B would
>expect 360 zeros if none were sent from A.

Plus or minus a couple of standard deviations, or roughly 37.

>However, with A sending each
>zero, then when B sees around 360+36-3.6 zeros in the hour, about 392,
>then he knows A has been sending a message for the last hour.

Wouldn't it rot your boots.

Of course, maybe you could send a much larger number.

Can you dial a quantum entanglement gadget to 10 distinct states?

Can you even be sure what you're `sending', or just that its state will
correlate with the state at the far end?

Damien Broderick

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