First Prize - Immortality...

Date: Thu Sep 19 2002 - 01:36:40 MDT

From: "TT" <>
X-Mailer: YaBB

1?ard on Radio 4 this morning that New Scientist Magazine is offering a First
prize of Cryonic Freezing with the Cryonics Institute. So if you are thinking
of CR, get a copy of New Scientist. I have no idea what the competition is
about, but it's worth a try.

An alternative prize is a trip to Hawaii... Would be interesting to get the
data from NS after the comp ends to see how many people chose Cryonics vs
Hawaii. I know which prize I'd choose, and it doesn't involve grass skirts :*)

They also interviewed Arthur C Clarke about the practicalities of Cryonics. He
seemed in favour, but just not for him. He wouldn't want to awaken in the
future without his friends. The solution to that of course is to persuade your
friends to go Cryo too...


PS I'm assuming the Prize is available to people outside the UK, as NS has an
international circulation, but I couldn't be sure.

This message was posted by TT to the Extropians 2002 board on ExI BBS.

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