Re: *Why* is Lee a troll?

From: Amara Graps (
Date: Thu Sep 19 2002 - 01:07:15 MDT

>Could someone please give a totally rational, totally abstract analysis
>of what they see wrong with Lee, without anger,

I'll try. I don't know if I will succeed though.

1) Manipulation.
We saw a description of Lee as a chess player, but manipulating the
chess pieces. I might call the manipulation more similar to a puppet

2) Pre-judgement of a person's position and/or character.
('pidgeon-holing') The person is given very little space to respond,
very little space to show that their position is something entirely
different, even if they are willing to explain themselves, which of
course, most people are not (why should they?)

3) Sitting on buttons.
Every person has knots in their psyche, caused by a spectrum of
experiences, sometimes it is where something occurred in their past
creating a scar, on the other end of the spectrum, sometimes it is a
position that one has analyzed to death and not even worth going over
anymore, so rather than a knot, call it a slippery patch of ice. Or
maybe these knots are something that one has not succeeded to find
words to describe yet, so they need more time to look at it themselves.
In any case, a person usually has emotions are attached to these buttons.

It looks to me that Lee easily finds those buttons in people and sits
on them. The person is either backed in the corner, squirming and
becoming more upset by the minute, or else they are frustrated to
death to have to explain ad nauseum something on which they already
spent a great deal of time. And then the dialog goes into a twisted,
symantec, explanation, justification blah blah blah.

4) Science. Please read the books, papers, literature before
drilling people with questions that are answered on page 2.

In my view, none of this is helpful for constructive and cooperative
dialog, in addition to showing a lack of respect and care for the

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