Re: impossibility of computer security?

From: Lee Daniel Crocker (
Date: Tue Sep 17 2002 - 12:20:28 MDT

>> Wei Dai:
>> I have to wonder if security is possible at all...

> (Harvey Newstrom <>):
> This is a wonderful question that I spend a lot of time thinking
> about. The future of technology and transhumanism depends on the
> answer to this question. Like most complicated questions, it probably
> will be an ongoing process forever. I doubt any magic technology will
> settle this once and for all. Not even NanoSanta, Singularity-Santa,
> or any other Santas.

We can look for answers not only in technology, but in philosophy
as well. For example, in structuring systems of business and life
in such a way that protecting bits isn't necessary, or at least is
less necessary and with fewer consequences of failure. Computer
security is often approached from the point of view of assuming
that bits will only go to those we want to have them, and whole
business plans and governments are built on that assumption. A
safer plan is to assume that bits will always escape no matter what
we try to do, and so structure our life and our businesses to thrive
under those conditions.

If we're not sure if something is possible, we should make damned
sure it's unnecessary.

Lee Daniel Crocker <> <>
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