RE: *Why* People Won't Discuss Differences Objectively

From: Lee Corbin (
Date: Mon Sep 16 2002 - 17:13:39 MDT

Brian writes

> On Monday, September 16, 2002, at 11:19 am, Brian D Williams wrote:
> > Because there is no such thing as objectivity, especially
> > when it comes to opinions.

Then how do you account for the fact that you believe
the way you do, and didn't turn out to be one of the
people that you are always arguing against? Why didn't
other people develop a love of country the way that you
did? Is it because they're a bit depraved, or is it that
you have "free will" and are capable of making choices
not correlated or indicated elsewhere in the universe and
free from the laws of physics? Or did God choose for you?

(In order to ward off attack, I am not trying to put
words into Brian's mouth, am not setting up straw men,
don't believe either of the things I suggested---the
questions are entirely satirical in tone.)

I myself think that it could even be genetic; for
instance, I'm pretty much convinced that my atheism
is. What if I had been swapped with Peter Fonda at
birth? Perhaps as Jane went to Hanoi, I'd've gone
to Saigon!

Harvey comments

> Well, that answer is much more succinct and to the
> point than my long-winded one!
> Good work! (Maybe I can learn to do that....)

I'm quite surprised to hear Harvey Newstrom declaiming
against objectivity!! I thought he was all for science,
rigorous logic, ironclad analysis, and ready to denounce
error every single time that he discerned its occurrence.


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