Re: War with Iraq?

From: Harvey Newstrom (
Date: Mon Sep 16 2002 - 15:18:13 MDT

On Monday, September 16, 2002, at 03:48 pm, wrote:

> I get a little scared when I read how 3rd world rulers syphon
> off
> billions of dollars of foreign aid we send and of how they conspire
> with 1st
> world investors to work their own people for back breaking hours at
> hard
> labor for almost no pay and then keep the pay on the books instead of
> paying
> those workers their full earnings. On top of that Dr. DeSoto says
> they rig
> the laws so that it is almost impossible for the working class to get
> clear
> title to the houses they own and live in.

I get a little scared when I read how U.S. corporations siphon off
billions of dollars of capital investment stockholders send and how
our government conspires with 3rd world dictators to keep these madmen
like Saddam Hussein in power and then try to rewrite history to claim
these events never happened. On top of that, they keep all the
accounting books and military secret evidence hidden so no one can
independently challenge them.

> Yet, is all of that entirely the responsibility of the US?

Yes, when most of these corporations and military support come from
our own nation. Whatever happened to taking responsibility for one's
actions? The U.S. currently doesn't seem to want to live with the UN
or security councils it set up, doesn't want to abide by treaties it
signed or promised to sign, and doesn't seem to want to follow the
same rules that we demand everyone else follow. Even if these are
totally rational actions, it is easy to see why other countries would
become concerned. It is the old "tit for tat" strategy of game
theory. Now that we have broken our promises, it is time to reap what
we sow. I don't know why anybody should be surprised at this obvious
cause and effect.

Harvey Newstrom, CISSP	<>
Principal Security Consultant	<>

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