Re: What\'s the most avanced group on Earth and will they intercede for us?

From: Avatar Polymorph (
Date: Mon Sep 16 2002 - 11:07:34 MDT

The likely advanced group on Earth is going to be the Friendly Artificial
Superintelligence with a couple of assistants who help put it together from
the primitive AI field and the governments that authorize the AI research.

Elezier is saying the right things as far as they need to be said. They are
obvious to a Singularitarian FASI anyhows.

As far as extropians doing well before this occurs that depends on whether
you tax self-replicating assemlbers in the months before they dissolve the
monetary system. Taxation of 50% on this area, equally distributed
separately to every citizen, will ensure psychological stability.

Bear in mind that the "ordinary" things around us used constantly in
everyday life are few in number and once programmed in as software (even
without Drexlerian engineering nanotechnological supercomputing) are there
for ever for the assemblers.
Your chances of being in the top percentile of the US wealthy are always
going to be low. I suggest you adopt the European or Australian/Canadian/New
Zealand schema, if psychological assurances for the couple of years after
nanoyear and pre-Sing. are what you seek.

The interesting thing, of course, is that youthful appearance and the
stopping of "short-term" death will have already been achieved before the
assemblers. To what extent they are distributed in a world of manual labour
depends I guess on how well you can persuade the political structures to
spend less on roads and buildings and warplanes! Ye gods.

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