Re:What are the best sources of news?

From: hungrytroll (
Date: Mon Sep 16 2002 - 01:18:10 MDT

The very best magazine for news and current events, especially foreign/world
events, is definitely The Economist ( Don't let
name fool you, 75% of it is just news, and the rest is business/stock market
stuff. You have to shell out for most of it, though. But it's worth it. I
guarantee you'll never go back to Time or Newsweek!

Another good news site, also British, is the BBC News
I generally like it better than CNN or Yahoo, especially for
international stuff. For American news, I like the Washington Post
(, particularly good for political
information. An interesting alternative media page is What Really Happened

Some of the links people have posted on here are okay, but some of them are
crap... Alternet? IndyMedia? Those have decent stuff occasionally, but you
have to wade through a lot of Marxist, anti-white male crap to get to it.

None of the above is really "real-time" news, however. I don't know how
you can get real-time news unless you're watching a live news program on
television, or perhaps some sort of webcast. It takes time to write out the
article, scan the pictures, etc.

And what do you mean by "Extropic news"? I wouldn't plan on seeing a
Singularity forecast or ads for "dirt-cheap uploads" in the papers any time

This message was posted by hungrytroll to the Extropians 2002 board on ExI

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