Re: What\\\'s the most avanced group on Earth and will they intercede for us?

From: S. O. Terick (
Date: Mon Sep 16 2002 - 04:20:51 MDT

On Mon, Sep 16, 2002 at 02:24:23AM -0600, S. O. Terick wrote:

> Let's look at this situation from a practical perspective.
> What's the most avanced group on Earth
> and how do we get them to intercede on our behalf?

Isn't that *us*?

___ANDERS!!! :-) I missed you.

Personally I think a passive approach where we try to get somebody else
to do our work and our vision is very a bad idea. Sure, we need the
resources (brainpower, economy, diversity of opinion, raw materials) of
our entire civilization, but we can get that by convincing others that we
have good ideas worth listening to, implementing and selling. This is
different from finding some group to do all the job, since we would be
involved on all levels and actually be the ones doing all the important
interface work between vision and reality. If you leave it to somebody
else, why should they pursue *your* vision?

___Right as usual Mr. Sanders! :-)
___If you want it done right, do it yourself.
___can I please get some help over here? :-)
___When it comes to economics, I'm all theory and no practice.
___Life-long poverty does that to a guy.
___Plus, I spent the last half a decade, or so, so devoted to
___that my friends swear I really have Obfuscate level 3!
___I don't know how to market myself!
___I can't even Identify my market.
___The only thing it seems I'll be able to do is invest in securities
___but I have no starting capital.
___Capitalist fever only struck me last week.
___I'm went from an hippie idealist to a globalizationist in 200 pages.
___Most of my friends can't give me any momentum.
___They are all poor unextropian drug addicts.
___My family thinks I'm a crazy fool, so they won't help.
___I feel like I just got to heaven
___but I'm stuck outside the gates without a key!
___I watch the angels fly around
___but I can't seem to leave the ground.
___I can see God in his throne
___but all the things that I have known
___do not seem to do a thing
___cause I've no halo, robe, or wing.
___I know someday, that I will go
___up, or down to hell below
___cause I tell all what I can see,

___but no one pays for poetry. :-)

Sure, a few extropian billionaires wouldn't hurt, but the best way of
getting them is to turn ourselves into extropian billionaires. Or
millionairies. Or influential thinkers, renowned engineers, respected
politicians or just liked people.

___I'm planning on it,
___but it's easier said than done.

This message was posted by S. O. Terick to the Extropians 2002 board on ExI BBS.

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