Re:raising intelligence (was: RE: Bell Curve crap)

From: S. O. Terick (
Date: Mon Sep 16 2002 - 01:44:02 MDT

I'd push i t.
...and hope someone would be kind enough to give me a boos t.

...but IQ (that nebulous thing that is definitly not almost but not quiet
totally unrelated to the antithesis of short term neural plasticity speed
does not equate to happiness or friendliness at all.
Happiness/friendliness is banana.
High IQ without bananas can drive you bananas.
Bananas -> Tryptophan -> Serotonin = Prozac
I used to suffer from near suicidal depression
and put 3 different guns in my mouth.
Pardon me for being so frank.
Then I went off my EXTREMELY low Calorie diet and I felt fine.
Neurotransmitter precursors...
I love them.

Eat a banana.

...and some beef .
...unless you have the type A antigen .

...but not at the same time.

This message was posted by S. O. Terick to the Extropians 2002 board on ExI BBS.

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