Re: War with Iraq?

Date: Sun Sep 15 2002 - 13:06:49 MDT

In a message dated 9/15/2002 1:36:24 PM Central Standard Time, writes: All in all, my impression is, that the US
government more and more acts like a "rogue state"; arrogant, selfish and
ruthless against enemies as well as friends, and isn't even able to hold
really democratic elections.

       The U. S. is under a new system. We are looking out for the interests
of the U. S instead of others..
       Now what that amounts to is a matter of debate among us. Our
elections are as democratic as any in all probability. Our people seem to
pursue their enlightened self interest rather than the self interests of
others. But we still have great raging debates, which is entirely democratic.
       But you are right in one thing. We saw how the Europeans handled the
advent of Hitler so we think we would like to do this one our way and see how
we make out.
       I do thank you for your opinion on Mr. Schroeder.
Ron h.

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