R: Physics and Interpretations (was Postmodernists have nothing useful to contribute)

From: scerir (scerir@libero.it)
Date: Sat Sep 14 2002 - 15:34:55 MDT

Lee Corbin

> > But MWI is very useful anyway. Because it goes deeper.
> > That is (perhaps, who knows) because QM is 'non-local'
> > and the MWI is 'non-local' by definition: *many* worlds!
> Not according to David Deutsch. Have you discussed this
> with him on the FoR list, or read his book "The Fabric of
> Reality"? As I recall, he adamantly denies that MWI is
> non-local.

Oh I know, I know. MWI is local. But, listen. We say that
QM is indeterministic an non-local (there are different meanings
here: non-separability or action-at-a-distance). And the MWI is
(supposed to be) equivalent to the standard (or orthodox, in
Wigner's terms) interpretation of QM. Does not it mean that the
MWI hides non-locality (and sometimes also indeterminism)
in some place? Hint: how does D.D. explain the interference in
the double-slit? What exactly are those shadow photons? And, as
David Mermin once asked, *where* are all those worlds?.

I'll try to say some more as soon as possible.


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