Re: JOHN PERRY 9/11/02

Date: Fri Sep 13 2002 - 07:31:47 MDT

In a message dated 9/13/2002 6:43:14 AM Central Standard Time, writes: This very good news. Please keep monitoring your
list, in case there's going to be a military campaign against Iraq. Could you
report on the changes in views, if any?

       Lawrence Kudlow had a column recently in which he estimated that we
might already have as much as 10 to 15% of the Iraqi territory under our
control by Special Forces already in their country. You can look up his
column and make your own assessment but mine is that the war, in its build up
phase, is well underway and the preliminary skirmishing may well have begun.
However, I am depending upon news reports for that assessment and not
depending entirely on Larry Kudlow.
       In addition I don't expect to see much change in the reports on the
Moslem sites I monitor. There is obviously a dedicated group of Al Qaeda
sympathizers who we couldn't impress if we walked on water. On the other
hand there is a group of more moderate Moslems that are prepared to either be
our friends at one extreme or to at least deal fairly with us at the other.
Over arching all of that is a really strong feeling of desiring Moslem
solidarity. In the Christian world we have nothing quite so intense.
       We were able to win the Gulf War without too much upset as we were
seen defeating a man that was their enemy and not a strong Moslem anyway. In
the ten years since the war Sadaam has been very careful to mend his fences
and build up his image in the Moslem world. We will have to be careful. The
thing helping us is the realization that Sadaam is a menace to the Arab world.
       If you sketch out the events in that area of the world since about
1974 I for one see today's events as ongoing episodes in what I think will
come to be called The Petroleum Wars. Yes, it has been going on all these
years and is due to continue.
       Eugen, "that is enough of that, more is a bore" to quote a lady I
adore. <G>
Ron h

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