Re: JOHN PERRY 9/11/02

From: Eugen Leitl (
Date: Fri Sep 13 2002 - 05:48:19 MDT

On Thu, 12 Sep 2002 wrote:

> Now Eugen, you know the answer to that. Quit playing naive.

I'm not playing. It sounds like you have a list of perpetrators, and their
current whereabouts. Could you show me that list, and the according

There might be virtue in Israel's solution (which doesn't seem to be quite
working, though, since the conflict continues) in using precision strikes
to take out perpetrators hiding in the midst of civilians without extreme
peripheral damage (just don't be the unlucky dude in the apartment next to
the one hit by a rocket), but the current administration either doesn't
have that list you seem to be in possession of, or intends to forsake the
'surgical' part of 'surgical strike', and just invade a whole country.

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