Re: JOHN PERRY 9/11/02

From: Hubert Mania (
Date: Fri Sep 13 2002 - 02:58:12 MDT

> In a message dated 9/12/2002 4:21:00 PM Central Standard Time,
> writes: Your descriptions sound really cute in comparison.
> ??? You are losing me there.
> Ron h

Compared to the incredible devastation in Europe in WW II the Pearl Harbour destruction
looks like peanuts. Before I say anything concerning the air raids of German towns,
which were conducted by English and American pilots, we must look at the former Soviet
Union and realize that they had about 20 million people dying caused directy and
indirectly by the German war machinery. There is no way to ever forget it.

But now look at Dante's Hell in the Hamburg and Dresden firestorms in the last months of
war. In only one single firestorm night in Hamburg 40.000 civilians were fried to death
and no one really knows how many people died in Dresden. It must have been at least
130.000 at a point when the capture of Berlin was just a question of weeks. Compared to
the experiences and stories, Russian and German postwar kids heard, any American
activity concerning WW II sounds a bit ridiculous.

Okay, the allies saved my country from Hitler and brought us the most modern
Constitution. That's an achievement which seems to justify just about any suffering and
losses of lives. But the air raids were a war crime. Last wednesday there were memorial
events all over the country expressing the solidarity with the American people and the
sympathy with the families of the WTC victims. But nonetheless 80 % of the Germans don't
want a war with Iraq.

We've had enough of this.

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