RE: They're Here.... (was: AstroAlert: Mystery Object)

From: Harvey Newstrom (
Date: Thu Sep 12 2002 - 23:51:17 MDT

spike66 wrote,
> Oh I see what is the problem. Harvey, Cruithne
> orbits the sun much like the Earth does. The
> description of the orbit given in the article
> is confusing: it does make it sound like the
> object goes most of the way around the sun, then
> turns around and goes back the other way.

You're right. It's "horseshoe" shaped orbit is in relation to the earth.
It never passes earth or gets too close to our position on one side of the
sun. It "drifts" faster and slower in relation to our orbit. It does not
go retrograde around the sun except as an illusion as seen from earth as it
falls behind.

Harvey Newstrom, CISSP <>
Principal Security Consultant <>

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