Re: MEDIA: Iraqui Migs chasing Predators

From: Brian D Williams (
Date: Thu Sep 12 2002 - 14:15:43 MDT

>From: nanowave <>

>>Brian D Williams wrote:

>>There is a report on Reuters today that Iraqi Migs have been
>>violating the no-fly zone and chasing after unmanned Predator
>>Wouldn't it be interesting if the next Predators were equipped
>>with Sidewinders rather than Hellfires.
>>Mike Lorrey grab your tools and meet me...

>Yes I agree that might be "interesting" from a purely
>technological angle - which I'm sure is what you meant.

You're wrong, I threw that idea out there in the hope that it might
be seen and adopted, in case no one else had thought of it.

>It might also be interesting to give a flicker of thought to the
>fact that your proposal implies the incineration, molecular
>dissociation, decapitation or whatever of a sentient being that
>comes equipped with dreams, desires, pain receptors, a mother, a
>father - maybe a brother, or perhaps a dog that wags its tail when
>the pilot returns home at the end of the day.

>From a day of gassing the Kurds? Like the terrorists who commited
9-11, they are beyond any sympathy from me, the best they can count
on is a boat-tailed .308.

>No debate from me on whether military planners should be
>influenced by such "interesting" thoughts however - they probably
>shouldn't. Should we think about them when chatting on a mailing
>list that deals with the idea of improving humans? Well there, you
>just did ;-)

Look for me to do everything possible to support the forces of
Extropy over those of entropy.


Extropy Institute,
National Rifle Association,, 1.800.672.3888
SBC/Ameritech Data Center Chicago, IL, Local 134 I.B.E.W

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