RE: MEDIA: Iraqi Migs chasing Predators

From: nanowave (
Date: Thu Sep 12 2002 - 13:07:04 MDT

Brian D Williams wrote:

>There is a report on Reuters today that Iraqi Migs have been
>violating the no-fly zone and chasing after unmanned Predator
>Wouldn't it be interesting if the next Predators were equipped with
>Sidewinders rather than Hellfires.
>Mike Lorrey grab your tools and meet me...

Yes I agree that might be "interesting" from a purely technological angle -
which I'm sure is what you meant. It might also be interesting to give a
flicker of thought to the fact that your proposal implies the incineration,
molecular dissociation, decapitation or whatever of a sentient being that
comes equipped with dreams, desires, pain receptors, a mother, a father -
maybe a brother, or perhaps a dog that wags its tail when the pilot returns
home at the end of the day.

No debate from me on whether military planners should be influenced by such
"interesting" thoughts however - they probably shouldn't. Should we think
about them when chatting on a mailing list that deals with the idea of
improving humans? Well there, you just did ;-)

Russell Evermore

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