Re:Patriotism and Citizenship

From: Brian D Williams (
Date: Wed Sep 11 2002 - 08:03:29 MDT


Oboy, I can guess what's coming, how are things in the peoples
republic? Say "Hi" to Cliff Stoll for me.

> I know that this seems to be singling out Lee Daniel Crocker, and
>I don't mean it to at all -- it's just that along with Damien
>Broderick and Anders Sandberg, Harvey Newstrom has seemed to me
>lately to be fighting indefatiguably to keep this list culture
>reasonable and relevant against a rising tide of noise and
>barbarism and his (their) efforts should be rewarded -- I am very
>much mostly a lurker here, by temperament and due to the
>tangential relevance of my skillset, so my endorsement can only
>count for so much. Still, it seems like it needs to be said.

Oh, thank goodness, a genuine Berkeley class liberal has arrived to
save the list from barbarism.

We're saved... ;)

I'm betting on the barbarians, but after all they are my team.


Extropy Institute,
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Extropian Barbarians

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