RE: META: Proposed Inclusion statement for ExI

From: nanowave (
Date: Tue Sep 10 2002 - 12:32:24 MDT

Doctor Max More wrote:

>In light of recent activity by racists, it's time for ExI to explicitly
>make a statement to go on the website. I'd like to get it on there
>Any comments on this draft?
>Extropy Institute welcomes participation by all those who resonate with
>most of the Extropian Principles regardless of race, sex, sexual
>preference, nationality, or ethnicity. As extropians we seek to use
>technology, rationality, imagination with benevolence to give all
>individuals the ability to define themselves physically and
>psychologically. We see traditional lines dividing humans from each other
>as irrelevant even today, and as especially absurd in light of our future
>possibilities. Extropian thinking draws heavily on Enlightenment and
>humanist values, including the universalism of valuing all humans
>regardless of the trivial differences. Extropy Institute refuses
>to support
>any group which espouses any form of exclusionary and hate-based views.
>Extropians welcome individuals of every origin and kind in seeking
>perpetual progress, self-transformation, self-direction, open society, and
>the other freedom-oriented values.

Hi Max, my version would be:


Extropy Institute welcomes all those who comprehend and value the Extropian
Principles. As transhumanists seek to use technology and reason
and with benevolence to give all individuals the capability to define
themselves freely. Superficialities such as race, sex, sexual preference,
nationality, and ethnicity are viewed as trivial if not completely
to a thinking mind.

Russell Evermore

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