Re: surveillance helps the innocent. was: Two trials for the same crime?

From: Harvey Newstrom (
Date: Tue Sep 10 2002 - 09:47:40 MDT

Just a comment here:

 From a security perspective, cameras are a "monitor" device, not a
"prevention" device. They don't prevent any crimes. They only show a
crime after it is in progress. To turn it into a "detection" device,
it would need full-time monitoring, alarm systems to a response team,
and people stationed close enough to intercede before the quick event
was over. Having a videotape of a masked gunman walking away with
money may not be helpful after the fact.

It is not clear to me that such devices would have any provable effect
on "prevention". I personally don't believe in the concept of
"deterrence". Most criminals are too arrogant or stupid to really
calculate their chances of being caught and choosing their venue
accordingly. There may be some effect in this area, but it is by no
means perfect or dependable. I am not sure that video cameras in
banks or convenience stores has had much effect historically.

Harvey Newstrom, CISSP	<>
Principal Security Consultant	<>

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