From: Avatar Polymorph (
Date: Tue Sep 10 2002 - 01:34:05 MDT

Hubert Mania:

One addition to my previous email regarding my advice to have a distributed
brain structure with continuous broadcast linkage and neuron by neuron (or
equivalent) update/repair/rescue... Apart from storage in computronium,
storage in the non-matter based structure of the universe itself would a
fascinating possibility (?) i.e. in the field level, were such possible, or
to put it another way in "string storage" or time-dimension storage... this
is so way-out a notion as to be completely unproveable... but it's fun... a
little like Damien Broderick's funny scenario in 'The Dreaming Dragons' when
the exonauts lose their intelligence when their capsule separates from the
"gluon fields" operant in the universe around them!

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