Re: R: WHAT exactly is that Kingdom of God?

From: Party of Citizens (
Date: Sun Sep 08 2002 - 11:47:39 MDT

On Sat, 7 Sep 2002, scerir wrote:

> POC:
> "Draw-a-City".
> Tell us what features
> would make it closer
> to a "Kingdom of God".
> 'Civitas Soli', the dream of an 'insider'

How about Westlake Hills, CA. pop. 25,000 when it was built in the 70's
with Prudential funding and billed by the marketers as "PARADISE AT A
PRICE"? So let's say we designed a "CULTURE OF LIFE" for B.C. to
accommodate just 1/3 of the annual population increase of Canada which is
about 300,000 people. A model city plus surroundings for 100,000 people.
According to Ron Gray of the Christian Heritage Party, it wouldn't make
any difference if "Culture X" for BC were designed by Muslims or
Christians or whoever, because "WE CANNOT KNOW WHAT A BIBLICAL SOCIETY
WOULD LOOK LIKE" (August 25/02). So it doesn't make any difference to a
Canada "founded upon principles that recognize the supremacy of God" (by
Constitution) whose "God" we are talking about when it comes to real,
in-this-world plans for Canada's future. Yet those of us with sound minds
who do not wallow in confusion and lies know very well that one's IDEOLOGY
(by whatever name) makes a big difference in the kind of society we plan.
So we open this up to bids from the global community via WWW....tell us
about your "vision" of Paradise at a Price in a model city plus
surroundings for BC, population 100,000. Make us an offer we can't refuse.


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