Re: META: Our open list

From: Olga Bourlin (
Date: Sat Sep 07 2002 - 09:24:46 MDT

From: "Samantha Atkins" <>

>Problem is, most of the pre-Civil War corporations were in the
 north and thus did not use slaves.

Historian Eric Foner wrote about how much New York, and the North in
general, owed slavery: "On the eve of the Civil War, the economic value of
slaves in the United States was $3 billion in 1860 currency, more than the
combined value of all the factoris, railroads and banks in the country.'"

In Abraham Lincoln's second inaugural address Lincoln talked about how much
of the North's economic prosperity derived from "the bondman's two hundred
and fifty years of unrequited toil. ''
In Randall Robinson's book, ``The Debt,'' Robinson advocates a national
trust supported by government, corporations and other institutions that
benefited by slavery, to pay for enriching the education of black children
and for college tuition for qualified blacks in need. That's what the
current reparations movement is about. (Randall Robinson was a main player
in dismantling apartheid in South Africa.)


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