Re: VR Science Fiction

From: Charles Hixson (
Date: Fri Sep 06 2002 - 15:55:25 MDT

Ross A. Finlayson wrote:

> I wonder when is the first use of the term "feelies" which are
> whole-sensory immersive environments or interactive direct neural
> playbacks. The word is derivative of "movies". I first saw the term
> in Piers Anthony's "Bio of a Space Tyrant", and just recently I read
> the term mentioned in one of Frank Herbert's short stories in "The
> Book of Frank Herbert" anthology of short stories in "The Nothing",
> published...

I have two possibilities here. One is Aldous Huxley's Brave New World,
the other is Lewis Padgett (pseudo. for Henry Kuttner) ...the title is might be "Private Eye". First line "The doorknob opened a blue
eye and looked at him."? A future is experiencing an invasion from the
future. Date approx. 1949. Astounding Science Fiction, reprinted in
the mid '50s by, I believe by Galaxy publishing (one of the magazine-ish
republications that featured entire short novels rather than
collections). If Huxley had it, he was first. But the Kuttner story
had feelies with that meaning.

-- Charles Hixson
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