Re: They're out to kill us

From: Robert J. Bradbury (
Date: Fri Sep 06 2002 - 14:05:55 MDT

On Fri, 6 Sep 2002, Charles Hixson wrote:

> Also, there would be variants
> that used rechargeable batteries, and plugged into the power mains, so
> that they would always be charged, and no battery changes would be
> needed. But I haven't been able to find any with either feature.

The ones in my home have a test button (for what purpose I'm unsure).
They are also run off my home electricty (so they do exist). This
type is also supposed to be "gangable" so if one goes off, they
all go off (that can be real annoying in some situations). I don't
think the electricians wired my house to take advantage of that
feature though.

I believe Home Depot carries them.


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