SOC: Al-Qaida and radical Islam are not the problem

From: Jef Allbright (
Date: Fri Sep 06 2002 - 11:18:45 MDT

Robert Wright has begun publishing a nine-part daily series on the emergent
threat of terrorism, how it's not going away any time soon, and how most of
the world's leaders don't get it yet. The first four installments are
already available:

Robert Wright is a deep thinker and renaissance man, author of _The Moral
Animal_ and _Nonzero: The Logic of Human Destiny_, and fits the issue of
terrorism into the broader context necessary to understand it and
effectively deal with it.

This issue is highly extropian -- involving memetics, future quality of
life, strategy, more -- and critically needs the kind of deeper
understanding common on this list.

- Jef

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