Re: They're out to kill us

From: Brian D Williams (
Date: Fri Sep 06 2002 - 08:26:45 MDT

>From: spike66 <>

>Currently building codes require smoke detectors to be
>installed in new homes, one in each bedroom and in some
>hallways, always on the ceiling. Its the law.

>Last night one of my smoke detector batteries ran low
>and the infernal device started chirping. It occurred to me
>that these blasted contraptions introduce more risk than they
>alleviate. Reasoning: one must get up on a ladder to change
>the damn battery, usually while groggy from interrupted sleep,
>not to mention being extremely pissed, and this causes the
>unfortunate prole to risk falling off and breaking major limbs.
>This risk is elevated if said prole is drunk, clumsy, elderly, or
>stupid. Fortunately I am none of the above (by most people's
>estimate) but still.

Don't wait for it to run out.

For a number of years now various organizations have been
advocating changing the battery twice a year, on the days we use
for changing to/from daylight savings time. For those who live
where this is not practiced, choose two other dates.

Spike your too valuable to lose. ;)


Extropy Institute,
National Rifle Association,, 1.800.672.3888
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