Re: Patriotism and Citizenship

From: Hubert Mania (
Date: Thu Sep 05 2002 - 12:38:20 MDT

Dehede011 summarizes his military service with the insight, that young people are being
used up and ends with these words:

> What was done was for the
> defense and survival of the U. S.

You *defended* the USA at its frontier to - you only said "preVietnam"...- Korea???, so
your country could survive? Do you really believe that the defense and *survival* of the
US was at stake, when your government exploited your youth? Nasty old men send boys
to die and talk about loving their country, though they should know better. Itīs the
same disgusting game since six million years, chimpanzee evolution included. High
time to stop it.

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