Re: META: Our open list

Date: Thu Sep 05 2002 - 05:53:56 MDT

Dr. A. Graps noted:

<<WTF is this?

It seems that some from the Stormfront White Nationalist Community
are reading the extropians list and passing that information around.
(FYI, only.)
Amara >>

I didn't feel the need to follow the URL, since I already know what
stormfront is. Most people on this list are of of white, european, genetic
background, so I suppose the kluxers feel comfy in taking a bit of
inspiration from Extropians.

As a representative of their prime target focus, let me say that I am less
concerned about some recrudescent klan org, then I am at the mentality of
the Left. The eternal hatred has passed (for a great many) from extreme
right, to extreme left, for now. For me as an interested observor/particpant,
I not this as a fascinating phenomena that offers new opportunities as well
as dangers.

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