Re: Save the Kids (was Re: Uncloaking Terrorist Networks)

From: Robert J. Bradbury (
Date: Wed Sep 04 2002 - 19:45:28 MDT

On Wed, 4 Sep 2002, Jeff Davis wrote:

> Email was a killer app. Then spreadsheets. Save the
> Kids is soon to be another. Seems like an extropian
> investment opportunity, ya?

Not for those of us who are "kidless". On the days when
I'd like a nice peaceful day in Seattle with my windows open
and the kids of my next door neighbor are outside screaming
at each other -- well on those days I wouldn't mind them
being transported for a couple of weeks to the remote
wilderness of Idaho. (Tragedy of the commons -- my cool
air should not be punctuated by the screams and bickering
of young children unless some agreement regarding that
has been reached.)

Childlessness is not as uncommon as one might think.
Two of my three brothers and I (so 75% childless) in
siblings ranging from age late 20's to 45.

"Save the Kids" eventually bumps into "Save the Adults".
Perhaps it is already doing so when you look at health
care funding allocations. Adults vote -- kids don't.

All of this is not to say that I am negative with respect
to Jeff's suggestions for "saving the kids". Kids are
fun, they may break out of generational molds, etc.
*But* almost anyone can use email, perhaps less so
with spreadsheets, but ultimately anyone with enough
training can use them usefully -- I'm not so sure that
the same claim can be made for "kids".

Somewhat tongue in cheek -- but somewhat not so much.

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