Re: Uncloaking Terrorist Networks

From: Hubert Mania (
Date: Tue Sep 03 2002 - 10:12:30 MDT

On September 3rd 2002, in the thread "Pragmatic Realism" Robert Bradbury switched into
rant mode and voted for a restriction of topics towards more truly posthuman issues on a
mailing list, where you experience streams of consciousness with terrific anarchical
untertows or tributaries that overflow with rich asssociation and global thinking -
which is one strong reason I, for example, am here. Robert requested:

>Could we please get our priorities straight people!

but in the same mail talked at length about spam and HIV. Some 15 hours later he started
this thread about terrorism. In the face of these facts, how do we have to interpret
this? Is it a withdrawal of his objections in "Pragmatic Realism"?

Why suppress voices who feel at home here and wish to express more private thoughts? If
you don`t like this kind of talk, why not simply delete or ignore such a thread and
don`t give a damn about such deviation anymore.

Here is a good-natured rant from Bertold Brecht:

"Ja, mach nur einen Plan
Sei nur ein großes Licht!
Und mach' dann noch 'nen zweiten Plan
Geh'n tun sie beide nicht!"

which, in my rough translation, goes like this:

"Go ahead and make a plan.
Be just bright!
Then, make a second plan.
They both won`t turn out right."

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