Re: New algorithm for finding prime factor of large numbers

From: spike66 (
Date: Mon Sep 02 2002 - 14:29:31 MDT

Anders Sandberg wrote:

>>One could download
>>the entire extropians archive and send out the entire thing with each
>>message. The receiver would be notified beforehand which words to
>>search for. The NSA would be overwhelmed. spike
>Actually, that is not very secure. Running a diff between the archive
>and the post would reveal where the differences are, and then it would
>be just a matter of figuring out what differences are relevant.
If we randomly chose 10k messages out of the archive, with 10k random
differences inserted, we could defeat the above strategy.

Perhaps one could collect a number of internet archives and actually use
them as a sort of one-time pad, given a bit of cleverness supplied by
some of the privacy fans, such as Harvey et al. spike

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