RE: MEDIA: Globalism, end of Socialism causes of jobless recovery

From: Reason (
Date: Sun Sep 01 2002 - 15:45:48 MDT

--> Robert J. Bradbury

> So long as Wall St. and investors are focused on the quarterly and
> annual numbers you are not going to have managers doing the long term
> planning that would allow them to internally retrain workers so
> they are doing high value added work close to home (e.g. building
> ultra high efficiency power plants) when the steel industry goes
> offshore. So the net result is when the manufacturing relocates
> elsewhere people with narrow job skills get laid off.

Well, I can't talk about other industries. However, in IT, it seems to me
that the process of retraining on a large scale has been outsourced. Small
companies will always retrain good people (if you run a small company,
you'll know that not doing that is akin to shooting yourself in the foot by
installments). Large companies go look for employees in a new field, which
are supplied by consultancies. So I think there's a good argument for saying
that a chunk of retraining is managed now in IT by a distributed web of
consultancies, headhunters, individuals and the pointers provided by wage
levels. This has to be better for the companies, financially speaking, or
they wouldn't be doing things this way.


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