VR Science Fiction

From: Phil Osborn (philosborn2001@yahoo.com)
Date: Sat Aug 31 2002 - 16:24:16 MDT

I'm just now reading "The Light of Other Days," by
Arthur C. Clarke and Stephen Baxter, which, while the
main theme is NOT VR, assumes a 2030's society in
which VR, telepresence, and overlaid reality are
ubiquitous and anyone who does not have fairly new
implants simply cannot function, as the overlaid VR
constitutes the vast majority of critical information
needed simply to do daily tasks. Very nicely done
with really high information density. You have to
read each paragraph carefully to make sure you've got
it all. The main theme is also worth it.

Vinge's "Fast Times at Fairmont High" has been
mentioned here before as one of a collection of his
work recently released. It also gives a very
believable picture of a near-term future in which VR
and overlays are ubiquitous, but in this novella, the
VR is the central theme.

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