Re: Natasha. What's in a Name?

From: Natasha Vita-More (
Date: Sat Aug 31 2002 - 14:19:28 MDT

At 10:39 AM 8/31/02 +0100, Alex wrote:

>Nice one! D'you know, I consider one of the rudest things in life a person
>refusing to call another person what they wish to be called. (It happens a
>lot in name-change cases).
>All the unfortunate people born to hippie parents and named things like
>'Moonflower Leaftitty' or 'Windswept Badgernipple' or whatever, went
>through this when they wanted to be taken seriously doing things like,
>well, working for NASA, and now they're all called John Smith or whatever
>and some outrageously rude people still insist on saying, "Hi, Windswept!"
>in public places!

Most of the folks I know with NASA or Space Tourism Society are John, Bill,
Charles, etc. One is Buzz, but that's unique -:)

>My son is in this position, since I thoughtfully named him something so
>original nobody had ever heard of it...for the first 15 years...his name,
>much to the amusement of his sci-fi-loving-friends, is 'Anakin'.

Great! Hahaha!



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