Re: BIOTECH: BT resistant Monarch Butterflies?

From: Harvey Newstrom (
Date: Fri Aug 30 2002 - 16:44:33 MDT

On Friday, August 30, 2002, at 06:04 pm, Charles Hixson wrote:

> Of course they deliberately distorted the scientific facts. Selective
> emphasis is one of the primary forms of distortion. Selective
> exclusion is the other. Both were being practiced here. Everyone does
> it, you can't avoid it, but it's done more intensively when you are
> trying to put forward a political agenda (e.g.: "Stop the planting of
> BT corn!"). Don't assume that everyone involved had the same goals.

So why did you jump on my reference to conspiracy theories or political
agendas? You made it sound like I totally misrepresented you and that
there was no secret political agenda. Then when I backed off, you
posted the above argument. You are obviously arguing with me, but I
can't figure out what the disagreement is.

Harvey Newstrom, CISSP		<>
Principal Security Consultant	<>

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