Re: Patriotism and Citizenship

From: Brian D Williams (
Date: Fri Aug 30 2002 - 12:16:41 MDT

>From: Samantha Atkins <>

>I was under the impression that this country exist for to
>acknowledge and protect the rights of all of its citizens, that
>the country exists for us rather than we for the country.

You're obviously no JFK fan.

In order for a country to exist at all certain prices have to be
paid. In this country currently a small portion of the population
pay that price.

The very extropian question is if most if not all of a society paid
a portion of the real costs, would this not result in a better

> Those who did not go into the military have every bit as much
>right to speak up and to be fully respected as those who did.
>Would you disagree with any of that?

This is tied to the question above.

My personal belief is that to have equal rights one should pay an
equal share of the costs.

>At the time I was of an age and health to be in service there
>was nothing this country was involved in that was worth fighting
>for in my opinion. So I gave it a pass. As is the right of any
>free person.

And you continue to be a free person thanks to the efforts of

> Heinlein's reasoning of course is that people don't respect
>things they haven't had to pay dearly for. In "Starship Troopers"
>you couldn't vote unless you had done a period of Federal Service.

>And wouldn't that be a jolly world? NO, it wouldn't.

For you of course not, you're a socialist, you believe in something
for nothing and redistribution at gunpoint if necessary.

Thanks for the input.


Extropy Institute,
National Rifle Association,, 1.800.672.3888
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