RE: Winston Churchill the War Criminal?

From: Damien Broderick (
Date: Fri Aug 30 2002 - 08:46:27 MDT

At 09:26 AM 8/30/02 -0400, "Dickey, Michael F" wrote:

>And like the demonic Iraqi headman of the Axis of Evil, the murderous
>regime of Pol Pot in Cambodia was arguably *installed* by the USA. Aaiiieee!
>Damien Broderick
> ----------------------------
>Maybe if you think the bombing of north vietnamese controlled territories in
>cambodia by a foriegn country (the US) would actually cause people to rise
>up overthrow their OWN government (cambodia) and slaughter 1/4 - 1/3 of
>their own population TWO YEARS after the bombings ceased and one year after
>cambodia had re-opened diplomatic relationship with the US. If you are a
>chomsky reader, you may very well beleive this to be a rational
>interpretation of the events.

I've read some Chomsky. Here's the kind of the thing I had in mind, common
scuttlebutt when I was a kid; a pal of mine was making a film with Prince
Sihanouk, you know, author of *My War with the CIA*, and this was the kind
of thing we heard back:

One might also mention drugs in profusion.

Damien Broderick

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