Re: tax and theft again (was: Re: Patriotism and Citizenship)

Date: Thu Aug 29 2002 - 21:41:50 MDT

In a message dated 8/29/2002 10:08:12 PM Central Standard Time, writes: On Thursday, August 29, 2002 9:38 PM
Damien Broderick wrote: All government
employees are paid out of taxes. This includes Marines and all other
servicemen and women. I.e., they are net tax receivers. Since they are paid
out of taxes, they are receiving stolen goods.

       I don't know anything about Australia, N. Z. or those countries so
please let me confine my comments to the United States.
       I have heard Damien argument made many times here in the States.
However if we traced our title deeds on our houses we would find many and
very possibly almost all of our lots that our houses sit on were taken from
some Indian tribe without benefit of law.
       Usually or at least often someone would find an Indian that didn't own
the land in the first place -- he was from a different tribe that had land
somewhere else. Then the Indian would be gotten drunk and the land he didn't
own would be purchased from him for a song. A famous case of that is Indian
that sold Manhattan Island. Allegedly he was from some other tribe and the
land wasn't even remotely his. The land in the Illinois' Rock River country
was allegedly gotten by William Henry Harrison purchasing the land from an
Indian he had gotten drunk. The Indian had no authority to sell. I
understand he had previously pulled the same trick in Northern Indiana. The
Battle of Tippecanoe was about him giving an eviction notice.
       Then I read that folks that are accepting payment from tax money are
receiving stolen money. Frankly, that argument sounds pretty solid to me but
I can't for the life of me differentiate the money from the land being a case
of receiving stolen property.
       My intent is not to set up some sort of aborigine claim for stolen
land. Most Indians today seem to prefer to let bygones be bygones. I do
also. My intent is to ask a simple question -- if you are so particular
about looking down on those that you condemn for taking the tax money they
have coming would you not be consistent if you looked up the tribe your house
lot was stolen from and give it back? With the Internet it is often possible
to locate the modern day descendants of those people whose property you are
holding. In each case, the agent stealing the tax money and the agent that
stole the land is historically the same -- the Federal government.
       Sorry about the rant folks but the argument is one that gets my
Cherokee blood up. <G>
Ron h.

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