(no subject)

From: G.P. (g2002@prisco.info)
Date: Thu Aug 29 2002 - 01:25:34 MDT

New material on Transhumanity (http.//www.transhumanism.com):
Versus Column #1, by Cyril Fievet, August 29, 2002. Transhumanism vs.
Drugs. From a transhumanist point of view, the goals of advanced
technologies are... to give us the tools and means to become stronger,
smarter, healthier, in one word, "better". But, in a way, such tools
already exist today. Most people call them "drugs"...
["Versus" is a brand new feature on Transhumanity. As its name
suggests, this monthly columns will consider Transhumanism "as opposed
to something else". Thus, it will try to help defining what
is/could/should be Transhumanism and to become a starting point for
further discussions.]
In Today's World: Turning Science Fiction into Science Fact, by Amanda
Seipel, August 29, 2002. I have just finished reading Greg Egan's
"Quarantine" (1992), not because it is a >H classic, but because
someone at a party mentioned that it contained some profound quantum
physics. This book really impressed me...

Giu1i0 Pri5c0

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