RE: American Education (answer to Greg Burch)

From: Lee Corbin (
Date: Thu Aug 29 2002 - 00:44:44 MDT

Mike quotes Gatto

(by the way, Mike, I hope that you don't automatically
think ill of me just because most of the things that
Gatto says drive me up the wall. that's the way it
is, and I don't see any reason to be silent about it)

> wrote:
> > BTW, the mistakes go so far back that perhaps the founder of the
> > profession Frederick Taylor made them -- I just don't know.
> Is this the same Frederick Taylor whom Gatto describes thusly:
> <<Men like these, and the brilliant efficiency expert Frederick W.
> Taylor, who inspired the entire "social efficiency" movement of the
> early twentieth century, along with providing the new Soviet Union its
> operating philosophy and doing the same job for Fascist Italy and Nazi
> Germany; men who dreamed bigger dreams than any had dreamed since
> Napoleon or Charlemagne, these were the makers of modern schooling.>>

What incredible exaggerations!! Taylor went around to a lot
of factories clipboard in hand, and together with all his
assistents did a lot of time and motion studies. Efficiency
experts today undoubtedly have a lot to criticize (it was
a long time ago), and besides, times were different then.
I would trust the local judgment of the manager who hired
Taylor more than I would a lot of armchair intellectuals
separated from the reality by thousands of miles and
a half-dozen decades.

The very idea of "providing the new Soviet Union its operating
philosophy" makes me want to throw up. The very idea! The
Soviets DID NOT NEED any help from some panty-waist clown in
the West to go about their deeds and misdeeds. Okay. Sorry.
I apologize. I shouldn't get excited.

This is a sort of arrogance. The Lenins and Stalins of the
world just wouldn't have known what to do without guidance
from certain evil Europeans and Americans who cunningly
masterminded all their actions???? (Sorry for the sarcastic
exaggerations, but you get my point, I hope.)

> and doing the same job for Fascist Italy and Nazi
> Germany; men who dreamed bigger dreams than any had dreamed since
> Napoleon or Charlemagne, these were the makers of modern schooling.>>

[Even more vitriolic rant suppressed for the sake of
list harmony.] HITLER, now! Good grief!

I must go before I lose control again.


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