Re: American Education (answer to Greg Burch)

From: spike66 (
Date: Tue Aug 27 2002 - 19:46:34 MDT

Damien Broderick wrote:

>At 08:25 PM 8/26/02 -0700, Spike wrote:
>>culture blind and value neutral.
>But that's simply *not the case* with technohistory.
>*You and I* might value tearing up the ground and making ball bearings out
>of it...
I think of it as repairing the ground.

>...but there are plenty of people around the world...
Resistance is futile. They will be assimilated.

{8^D kidding , bygones.

> (whose ground you
>have your eye on) who find the idea disgusting...
I find my idea gusting.

>...the cultural results irrelevant if not degrading,
I find the cultural results relevant and grading.

>...the implicit values of technocivilization are not
>universal and neutral, and no cultural analyst of the last half century
>would fail to ridicule this claim.
I ridicule their ridicule. Our current means of teaching history
would be injecting toxic truth, if it were true. I am suggesting
we rethink the way history and culture is taught. spike

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