Turning dead humans into diamonds

From: Hubert Mania (humania@t-online.de)
Date: Mon Aug 26 2002 - 10:30:02 MDT

What do you think about this business concept:
extracting the carbon of human corpses, purifying it and then pressing it
into artificial diamonds. I read about it in a German newsmagazine. No
kidding. Roughly translated it goes like this:

The name of the company is LifeGem, Illinois:

20 percent of the weight of the human body is carbon. While being cremated,
the carbon of a dead human is collected (no clue as to how precisely this is
possible). Then a special company from Pennsylvania purifies the powder and
sends it to a laboratory near Munich, Germany.

---- btw, where *exactly* near Munich is the laboratory you said you`re
working at, Eugen?----

where it is pressed at 3000 degrees Celsius and with a pressure of 80.000
atmospheres into artificial diamonds. They claim to have made yellow, blue
and red diamonds from a dead pig already. The metamorphose takes 16 weeks.
The first corpse of a woman is now two weeks in the process. LifeGem claims
to be able to produce 50 one carat stones from one body. One such diamond
costs about 22.000 dollars.

So, if you think you can pass away without leaving any genetic trait of
you behind, get burned and turned into diamonds and last forever on the
neck, the finger, in the nose or elsewhere on the body of your breaved loved

No transhuman concept of getting relatively immortal but an amazing business

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