Re: Attack of the Heartfelt Memes

From: Damien Broderick (
Date: Sat Aug 24 2002 - 21:51:33 MDT

At 06:42 PM 8/24/02 -0700, Regina wrote:

>The show wasn't pushing her point of view was it?

Not at all, it was a popularized `medical' program. My point was simply
that we scientifically oriented people probably don't grasp how profoundly
and *deeply* such ancient wrong theories/constructs/memes are embedded in
the world picture of many fellow citizens.

Suppose the majority of citizens accept this model (I rather doubt it,
actually, or there'd be more resistance to heart transplants). Then
cryonics would be in even deeper trouble than we'd predict, because all
that's preserved in the many neurosuspension cases is the head--the *cold,
unfeeling, calculating, soulless brain*, cut off not just from the soul but
from the heart, that center of feeling and love. It's hard to correct such
a strangely old-fashioned misunderstanding if we don't even know that many
people remain caught in its grip.

Damien Broderick

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