Re: American Education

From: spike66 (
Date: Sat Aug 24 2002 - 12:58:37 MDT

Michael Wiik wrote:

>...Many states have embraced the NCSS's idea that you don't need to know
>any American history to be an effective citizen. Hawaii, Wisconsin,
>Arkansas, Maine, Michigan, and Minnesota, among others, use the NCSS
>guidelines as the model for their state social studies standards and
>thus require their students to study no history at all...
They do not go far enough. If the US were to lead the charge, and
encourage other nations to not only remove the teaching of history
from all school curricula, but in fact actively dissuade the teaching of
all history, perhaps historical conficts would abate. Political history
teaches students to hate other groups because of historical conflicts:
the Jew vs the Arab, the Irish vs the English, etc. Study of the
historical writings of Mohammad are dragging us to the brink of
World War 4.

Forget history! Forget it! Replace it all with future studies. Look
forward, not back. Replace all political history with technological
history, so that students all over the world study key technological
achievements, and their importance to the advancement of mankind.
Political history as taught in the schools serve only as propaganda,
for it cannot be presented without a spin of some kind. We in the
internet age can finally come to the realization that *we cannot get
at the real truth* about the past! No matter what we do. Wars
happened. They were tragic as all hell. Let us put it all behind us
now and work together instead of against each other.

Focus instead on new advancements on the horizon. Sever the
bonds with the past, put all of it behind us and look to the future.


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