RE: So Much for Free Press

From: E. Shaun Russell (
Date: Fri Aug 23 2002 - 09:33:38 MDT

Rafal wrote:

>I'd say, the only explanation is the threat of losing their license, which
>is a form of censorship. The FCC employees involved in this attack on free
>speech should be fired, all of them. The shock jocks would soon return to
>the airwaves, where they belong. And the religious ones can always listen to
>their Sunday school broadcasts.

Those are my sentiments exactly. Despite the assertion of others on this
thread, I don't really see how this *isn't* a free speech issue; while I,
or others on this list, may not like such programming, it should still be
allowed to exist. And, as Rafal points out, it seems that the station had
no choice to fire the shock jocks, lest their license be removed.

Thanks for making my point so much better than I did, Rafal.

                      E. Shaun Russell
                        (604) 882-8720

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