Re: And What if Manhattan IS Nuked?

From: Mike Lorrey (
Date: Thu Aug 22 2002 - 16:10:17 MDT

--- wrote:
> In a message dated 8/22/2002 1:31:33 AM Central Standard Time,
> writes: In such a case pilots, once they lock
> themselves in
> the cockpit, have taken themselves out of the equation. They can land
> the
> plane, and negotiators show up an hour later, just in time to watch
> the plane
> take off again under the control of the hijackers flying by laptop.
> Once upon a time I thought I was a fairly hot pilot, a students
> allusion no
> doubt <G>, but I want to see the guy that can sit in the passenger
> compartment of an airplane and fly it even well enough to hit a
> building as
> large as the WTC.
> If you show me such a person the first words out of my mouth will
> be, "Oh worthy one, may I sit at your feet?"

Since I was the one who said that, not Eugene, I will answer the
question. I have, as a test, used the flight simulator X-Plane to fly a
virtual V-1 Buzzbomb (with landing gear) from a virtual copy of an
airport in my area, navigated it across the mountains of Vermont and
down the Hudson Valley to New York City (virtual) and flown said
aircraft into a virtual copy of the World Trade Center. It was not
difficult at all. It was actually rather boring for all of the flight.
I repeated this with the computer clock set to night time in order to
replicate it flying on instruments alone. Using a computer copy of a
GPS autopilot in this simulator, presetting a waypoint to the location
of Tower 1, and presetting the altitude of this waypoint to that of the
80th floor of Tower 1, I successfully completed this maneuver without
any visibility whatsoever (or requiring ANY actual control inputs by
myself during this terminal flight maneuver, since it was under
autopilot control).

Have a nice day.

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