Re: And What if Manhattan IS Nuked?

From: Lee Daniel Crocker (
Date: Wed Aug 21 2002 - 16:20:38 MDT

> (Mike Lorrey <>):
> > You have the right to keep and bear arms -- that doesn't give you
> > the right to come onto *my* property with such. Should the
> > government
> > completely remove restrictions on weapons on planes, I for one would
> > be calling the airlines wanting to know which prohibit such weapons
> > from being carried by individuals.
> What gives you the right to constrain my liberties in a manner that not
> even the federal government is permitted to do? If you don't trust a
> fellow law abiding citizen on your property unrestrained in their
> liberties, then you are not any sort of libertarian.

Quite the opposite, Mike--a libertarian is one who understands that
/everyone/ has /more/ power than the government to decide what happens
in his own life and on his own property. You would be welcome in my
house with a gun, because I know you and trust you. But I might not
make the same concession to everyone. And there's no law against being
a psycic or a homeopath who makes their living preying on the gullible,
but I would not welcome a person like that in my home, and I would
think less of, say, newspapers or radio stations that allowed them to
advertise in their media.

I wouldn't have any problem with an airline or a building that didn't
allow weapons. They aren't "constraining my liberty" at all--they are
merely exercising theirs. I have no right to enter their building, or
fly on their airline. They can choose to give or deny me that privilege
just as I can choose whom to allow in my home. They have the right to
impose whatever restrictions they want with their property, just as I
do. It's only the government who doesn't have that right.

Lee Daniel Crocker <> <>
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